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Finance & Invoicing Guidelines

Please refer to the payment milestones in the Production Services Agreement. It is your responsibility to confirm with your Production Manager that the milestone has been met, and to submit an invoice.

To submit an invoice, you need an Internal Order or Purchase Order number.
You will receive this shortly following contract signature.

Please note - on our request at any stage in the production schedule, you could be asked to submit a Cost Report.

Only pre-approved costs agreed to in the contract will be paid.

If you have incurred additional expenditure without informing Red Bull and without securing it through a signed contract amendment, the cost will not be covered.

Invoice Processing

Please keep in mind for processing of invoices and payments:
In order for your invoice to be processed and paid, you must include the Internal Order or Purchase Order number from the PO sent to you by Red Bull Media House.

INFORMATION regarding the electronic transfer of invoices (e-Invoicing)

We are happy to offer you the possibility to send your invoices electronically in the future and hereby we would like to give you detailed information regarding the electronic transfer.

Please note that we can only accept invoices, which were provided to us electronically if the following requirements are fulfilled in addition to the legal components of the invoice according to the VAT Act:

  • Please only send invoices to this e-invoice email which are addressed to following company:

Invoice address:

Red Bull Media House GmbH
Oberst-Lepperdinger-Strasse 11-15

5071 Wals bei Salzburg

Electronic invoices are exclusively sent to the following email address:

  • Electronic invoices and attachments are only accepted in PDF format
  • Each email should only contain one invoice or credit memo as an attachment
  • Please add the invoice number to the subject line of the email
  • Attachments to the invoice (delivery note, activity reports, etc.) can be added to the email as aseparate PDF file, but it is important to use a separate naming for the invoice document & the attachment document

For Invoices: A file name up to 255 digits is permitted. File names for invoices are not allowed to start with 'AN', 'AT', 'PO' or 'ZA'. Any other beginning is fine (like e.g. 'RE')

For additional attachments to invoices (e.g. delivery notes...) the 255-digit limit does not apply and the file name must begin with 'AN' or 'AT'

Invoice Example

  • After the implementation of the transmission of invoices in electronic form, we ask you to avoid sending paper invoices generally
  • Please note that for Intrastat purposes it is necessary for cross-border deliveries to have the VAT number of the recipient and the net weights (with 3 decimal places!) of each product group added on the invoice.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Red Bull contact person.

Withholding Tax

According to Austrian domestic income tax law certain types of payments to non-residents from Austrian sources are subject to Austrian withholding tax levied at source. This includes income derived by authors, lecturers, architects, other persons participating in entertainment, consultancy fees for commercial and technical advice as well as specific remunerations such as royalties, payments for know-how and the like. Red Bull Media House GmbH, acting as paying agent, is obliged to withhold and transfer this tax to the Austrian tax authorities.