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Transcoding Service

If your production requires working with a lot of mixed frame rate material, then Red Bull Media House offers a conversion service.

This service is offered for both footage obtained from Red Bull and externally.

How does it work?

  • 1
    Contact your Content Manager or Quality Assurance Specialist to enquire about this service
  • 2
    Provide a list of the content that would need converted (length of each clip, format and frame rate)
  • 3
    Once you have agreement from Red Bull Media House, you will be given an upload link to deliver your footage
  • 4
    Your footage will then be converted, as per the agreed frame rate
  • 5
    You will then receive a download link and you can continue editing

If you would like to make use of this service, then it is important that you align with Red Bull Media House as soon as you know that you will be working with multiple frame rates.

Do I have to use this service?

No, but it is strongly advised that you conform your footage to which every frame rate you will be working with, otherwise your files could be rejected by Red Bull Media House's Quality Control.
Keep in mind, that poor frame rate converters may lead to video artefacts or ghosting. For example, timeline conversions aren't recommended.

Which frame rates require converting?

This all depends on your base frame rate (main frame rate). If you project is in 25fps and you have 29.97 or 23.98fps footage, then it will need to be converted. Likewise goes for 23.98 and 25fps footage that needs to go into a 29.97 project.

Frame rates that are a multiple of your base frame rate don't require converting.

When working with 23.98 and 25fps footage, it is best to perform a speed-up or slow-down, depending on which ever is your base frame rate. This will preserve the quality of the footage, but will affect the duration and pitch of your clips. A pitch correction may therefore be required.